Chili Powder Que Significa in Spanish Language

If you’re a fan of Mexican cuisine, you might have come across the term “chili powder” in recipes or on spice labels. But have you ever wondered what “chili powder que significa” in Spanish? In this article, we’ll explore the meaning and usage of chili powder in the Spanish language.

What is Chili Powder?

Before we dive into the Spanish meaning of chili powder, let’s first understand what it is. Chili powder is a spice blend typically made from dried chili peppers, cumin, oregano, and garlic powder. It’s commonly used in Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine to add flavor and heat to dishes like chili, tacos, and enchiladas.

The Meaning of Chili Powder in Spanish

In Spanish, chili powder is known as “pimentón.” The word “pimentón” comes from the Spanish word for pepper, “pimiento.” However, it’s important to note that not all chili powders are created equal, and the term “pimentón” can refer to a variety of different spice blends.

Types of Pimentón

There are three main types of pimentón: dulce (sweet), agridulce (semi-sweet), and picante (spicy).

Pimentón Dulce

Pimentón dulce is made from sweet, mild chili peppers like paprika. It’s often used in Spanish cuisine to add a smoky, slightly sweet flavor to dishes like paella and chorizo.

Pimentón Agridulce

Pimentón agridulce is a blend of sweet and spicy chili peppers. It’s commonly used in Spanish and Latin American cuisine to add a depth of flavor to stews, soups, and marinades.

Pimentón Picante

Pimentón picante is made from hot chili peppers like cayenne and is commonly used in Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine to add heat to dishes like chili con carne and salsa.

Other Names for Chili Powder in Spanish

In addition to “pimentón,” there are other terms used to refer to chili powder in Spanish, depending on the region or country. Here are some examples:

  • Chile en polvo
  • Polvo de chili
  • Polvo de chile
  • Chiltoma (used in Nicaragua)

How to Use Chili Powder in Cooking

Now that we know what chili powder means in Spanish, let’s talk about how to use it in cooking.

Chili powder can be used as a seasoning for meat, vegetables, and grains. It’s often used in Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine to add flavor to dishes like tacos, burritos, and fajitas. Here are some ideas for using chili powder in your cooking:

  • Sprinkle chili powder over roasted vegetables like sweet potatoes or carrots
  • Add chili powder to ground beef for a flavorful chili con carne
  • Mix chili powder into sour cream or yogurt for a spicy dip
  • Rub chili powder onto chicken before grilling or baking
  • Stir chili powder into cooked rice or quinoa for a flavorful side dish


In conclusion, “chili powder que significa” in Spanish translates to “pimentón.” Pimentón is a versatile spice blend that can add flavor and heat to a variety of dishes. Whether you’re making Mexican, Tex-Mex, or Spanish cuisine, chili powder is a must-have in your spice cabinet.


  1. Is chili powder the same as cayenne pepper? No, chili powder is a blend of spices that often includes cayenne pepper, among other ingredients.
  2. How spicy is pimentón picante? The level of spiciness can vary depending on the specific blend of chili peppers used, but pimentón picante is generally quite spicy.
  1. Can I make my own chili powder? Yes, you can make your own chili powder by blending together dried chili peppers, cumin, oregano, and garlic powder.
  2. Are there any health benefits to using chili powder? Chili powder contains capsaicin, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It may also boost metabolism and aid in weight loss.

Overall, chili powder is a versatile and flavorful spice blend that is commonly used in Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine. By understanding its meaning and usage in Spanish, you can expand your culinary horizons and experiment with new dishes and flavors.

Sunny Daze
Sunny Daze

Hey there, I'm Sunny Daze! My friends say I'm the most cheerful person they know. I created this lifestyle blog to share my upbeat perspective on living joyfully.

Fashion and style are a huge passion of mine. I love wearing vibrant, funky clothes that make me stand out. My diet is full of delicious smoothies, salads, and natural foods that nourish me. Staying active with yoga and self-care keeps me feeling as bright as my outfits!

Travel allows me to explore new cultures and appreciate the beauty of our world. I seek out the most colorful, happy destinations to ignite my sense of adventure.

Capturing radiant images through photography is my jam! I get giddy sharing pics of awesome experiences, landscapes, and foods with my readers. Spreading smiles is what it's all about!

I started this blog to uplift others with my positive outlook on life. Join me in seeing the bright side of any situation! There's enough darkness in this world - let's shine a light together!
